
Learn more about me...

Mechatronics Engineer

Univeristy of Waterloo | UW


  • IntelliCulture | Data & Machine Learning Engineer


  • IntelliCulture | Software Engineer (Part-time)
  • Siemens | Algorithms / Machine Learning Engineering Intern
  • UWOrbital | Embedded Engineering in Electrical Power Systems
  • Athos | Software Engineering Intern
  • Athos | Embedded Engineering Intern
  • IntelliCulture | Software Engineering Intern
  • UWAFT EcoCar Team | Electrical Engineering Lead
  • Geotab | Automotive R&D Engineering Intern
  • University of Waterloo | Research Assistant Intern

When I was young - as young as 5 years old - I distinctly remember checking out the space books from my school library. I would turn the pages with awe looking at the images of galaxies, stars and all the various diagrams. This progressed into books on dinosaurs, rocks, electronics and various other scientific topics. I barely knew how to read and english was my second language, yet more than comic books those books spoke to me.

Now after all those years I feel that I finally have the bare minimum knowledge to actually understand a sliver of those technical topics. Most importantly I feel that I have the patience, discipline and curiosity to learn, as the growing mountain of knowledge stands before me. This is why I love engineering. The ability to learn and apply knowledge, to create and understand complex systems with the elegance of a stroke of an artist's brush. To master laws of the universe and use them with incredible precision, there is something beautiful about that.


Python ~2 Years Libraries: Pytorch | Pandas | Jax | Numpy | OpenCV

C/C++ ~2 Years Libraries & Tools: Zephyr RTOS| Mbed OS| ROS | GDB

Javascript ~1 Year Frameworks: NodeJs | Express | Jest

Docker ~1 Year Related: Docker Compose | VMs | Serverless

Machine Learning ~1 Year Pytorch | Tensorflow | Jax | OpenCV | Mlflow | CUDA

Rust ~1 Year Applications: GPU Programming, Concurrency, Profiling

Postgresql ~1 Year TimescaleDB | SQL

Shell ~1 Year Types: Bash Scripting | Zsh

Applications ~1 Year QGIS, Postman

Git ~2 Years Software Tools: Gitlab | Github

Hardware Prototyping ~2 Years Tools: STM32 | Arduino | Raspberry Pi | NRF DK | Oscilloscope

PCB Design ~1 Year Software Tools: Altium | KiCAD

Databases ~1 Year Tools: Fauna | MySQL | Redis

Robotics Software ~1 Year ROS | CARLA | Foxglove

Schematic Design ~1 Year Software Tools: Altium | KiCAD | VeSys

Linux ~1 Year Ubuntu | Pref | Vim | OctoPi

Software Infrastructure ~1 Year Terraform | Datadog

Mechanical Prototyping 1 Year 3D Printing | Laser Cutting



Engineering Internships




Fluent Langauges


Mountains Summited


Some of the Mountians I have summited...


Role of spot weld electrode geometry on liquid metal embrittlement crack development




Machine Learning


Quantum Computing


Embedded Technology



Here are some of the things I have done...

Professional Experience

Data & Machine Learning Engineer

2023 - Present

IntelliCulture, Calgary, AB

  • Leading development of data infrastructure, machine learning applications, algorithms, system design and core software

Machine Learning & Algorithms Engineering Intern


Siemens, Kitchener, ON

  • Integrating software tools and IoT infrastructure with machine learning to create scalable real-time intelligent applications
  • Utilizing TensorFlow and Keras to develop supervised models such as LSTMs, Decision Trees and XGBoost
  • Leveraging software tools such as MLflow, Jupyter Lab and Docker in machine learning operations and data engineering
  • Explored algorithms such as kmeans and KNN, utilizing dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA and tSNE
  • Developing python scripts for data pre-processing, visualization, analysis with Pandas and automation tasks
  • Created publisher and subscriber agents with Docker using MQTT and Kafka protocols to enable edge processing

Embedded Engineering Intern


Athos, Redwood City, CA

  • Developed firmware for the NRF52833 and STM32L4 MCU chips using theZephyr RTOSwithPythonfor scripts and testing
  • Utilized embedded tools such as GDB, Jlink, Altium and Oscilloscopes for development and debugging
  • Developed an IMU, Magnetometer and digital signal processing driver using CMSIS and custom sensor APIs
  • Implemented a firmware architecture for automated PCBA testing of peripherals such as BLE, SPI, I2C, GPIO, PWM and UART
  • Designed a BLE Client in Python on macOS to perform GATT writes with custom Protobuf message definitions

Software Engineering Intern

2021 - 2023

IntelliCulture, Kitchener, ON

  • Leading development of the back-end infrastructure and data platform for core products and internal development
  • Leveraging OpenCV, Jupyter Lab and Python to develop image object edge detection algorithms and processing
  • Designed testing infrastructure for E2E, integration, and unit testing using Pytest, Jest, Robot Framework, and Jenkins
  • Maintaining and improving NodeJs, Python, Shell, Fauna DB, Docker, and Jenkins technology stack
  • Involved in innovation pipeline running minimum viable experiments and R&D to determine new product opportunities

Software Engineering Intern


Athos, Redwood City, CA

  • Integrated and developed component and system tests into a Jenkins CICD and End-to-End testing pipeline
  • Utilized Robot Framework to develop automated End-to-End tests involving Python, iOS, Redis, and C components
  • Developed UI tests for an iOS mobile app using the Xcode UI testing (XCUI) testing framework in Swift

Software Engineering Intern


IntelliCulture, Kitchener, ON

  • Led development of 2 web applications using NodeJs, MySQL, NGINX and Bootstrap as the technology stack, launching Beta versions within 6 weeks of starting development
  • Performed code reviews, managed and distributed tasks for 2 software engineering interns across software projects
  • Developed a NodeJs server with ExpressJs using Python scripts as child processes and Socket.io for data streaming
  • Integrated a custom portal into a web application with the Geotab SDK and Bootstrap framework while developing helper data migration scripts and prototyping in Python
  • Utilized various API's and software tools such as Git, Postman and MySQL Workbench while working in a AGILE development enviroment

Automotive R&D Engineering Intern


Geotab, Kitchener, ON

  • Developed and tested firmware for IoT devices within a embedded development environment
  • Designed a custom PCB for hardware testing using Altium to develop the schematic, board layout and component libraries
  • Research and development of internal hardware and firmware by utilizing embedded tools and running an internal alpha testing program
  • Engaged in rapid prototyping utilizing arduino's and circuit boards for quick development while reverse engineering various PCB’s and devices

Research Assisant Intern


Center for Advanced Materials Joining | University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

  • Co-Author of research paper investigating the role of spot weld electrode geometry on liquid metal embrittlement crack development
  • Experienced with operating and using PLC programming for a production robotic spot welder
  • Collected data on AHS steel cracking while using Excel and Matlab to perform data analysis investigation distributions and correlations
  • Designed custom jigs, fittings and equipment using Solidworks for CAD design and to perfrom FEA analysis. The parts were machined manually on a mill and lathe

Student Teams

WAT.ai Team Member | Deep Learning Frameworks

2022 - 2023

WAT.ai , Waterloo, ON

  • Created a Multi-Layer-Preception Model in Jax trained on the MNIST dataset and evaluted its metrics

UWOrbital Team Member | Electrical Power Systems

2022 - 2023

UWOrbital , Waterloo, ON

  • Designing, developing, and integrating the hardware and firmware of Electrical Power Systems (EPS) for a custom CubeSat as part of the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge
  • Developing a Maximun Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm to optimize power output efficiency for the electrical power system
  • Engineering firmware using the Zephyr RTOS Kernel with a Ubuntu development environment for Battery Management, MPPT and telemetry data

UW Robotics Software Team Member


UW Robotoics Team , Waterloo, ON

  • Developed a custom ROS action server for a spiral search algorithm
  • Created a custom ROS package and Node on a Ubuntu 18.04 VM

Electrical Engineering Team Lead

2018 - 2020

UWAFT EcoCar Team , Waterloo, ON

  • Led electrical development of HV and LV systems to convert a stock Chevrolet Blazer into a hybrid electric vehicle with SAE level 2 autonomy capability
  • Led development and testing of a custom PCB control components using a STM32 through CAN utilizing KiCAD for PCB design
  • Developed wiring schematics and harness diagrams for the vehicle HV powertrain and LV systems using VeSys
  • Led development of a relay control & LV diagnostics PCB utilizing KiCAD for PCB design
  • Managed the electrical team by sprint planning, organizing tasks and teaching members in a AGILE workflow
  • Led development of a lights and switches indicator PCB utilizing KiCAD for PCB design
  • Developed control software in C++ for 3 custom PCBs communicating on a custom CAN bus
  • Collected battery voltage data from Simulink model and used Matlab to examine HV bus voltage ripple

Synchrotron Research Team Lead

2016 - 2018

BCHS Synchrottron Research Team, Calgary, AB

  • Leadership role in hypothesizing, organizing and conducting two unique scientific experiments tested at a synchrotron
  • Investigated the effects of forest fire on sulphur soil chemistry by analyzing the speciation, oxidation and concentrations of sulphur compounds using XANES
  • Analyzed the oxidation and speciation of chromium and arsenic throughout various stages in the bitumen extraction process utilizing techniques such as linear combination fitting
  • Collected data on the IDEAS Beamline at the Canadian Light Source using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques such as XRF and XANES


Here is a summary of my education...

Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechatronics Engineering

Univeristy of Waterloo | 2018 - 2023

"Mechatronics engineering is the design of computer-controlled electromechanical systems. The essence of it is that the design of the mechanical system must be performed together with the design of the electrical/electronic and computer control aspects that together, comprise a complete system. Mechatronics engineers use a multidisciplinary and systems-based approach to develop the “intelligent” electromechanical devices and integrated systems."


Relevent Coursework

Software Focused

  • Programming for Performance
  • Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • Cooperative & Adaptive Algorithms
  • Algorithm Design & Analysis
  • Automatic Control Systems
  • Digital Computation
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Computer Structures & RT Systems

Mechanical Focused

  • Electromechanical Machine Desgin
  • Fliud Mechanics
  • Structure and Properties of Materials
  • Mechanics of Deformable Solids
  • Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
  • Design and Dynamics of Machines

Electrical Focused

  • Circuits
  • Microprocessors and Digital Logic
  • Sensors and Instrumentation
  • Actuators and Power Electronics
  • Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing


  • Mechatronics Engineering Design
  • Linear Systems and Signals
  • Systems Models
  • Linear Algebra
  • Advanced Calculus
  • Numerical Methods
  • Statics & Dynamics

Capstone Project

3cycle: Classifying 3D-Printed Waste with Discrete Near-IR Spectroscopy
  • Capstone Design Sustainable Development Award
  • Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Award
Project Info:


Waterloo Engineering Interdisciplinary Capstone Projects


Here are some of my projects...

  • All
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Machine Learning
  • Research
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical

Bluetooth Occupancy Detection CNN

Software | Deep Learning

Plastic Identification using Discrete NIR Spectroscopy & ML

Software | Hardware

Deep Learning Benchmarking

Software | Deep Learning

ATAT Robot

Hardware | Software | Mechanical

UWOrbital | Electrical Power System

Software | Hardware

CARLA + ROS Simulation Infrastructure


CAN Enabled Relay Control PCB


Relay Control & LV Diagnostics PCB


Lights and Switchs Indicator PCB


LV & HV Hybrid Electric Vehicle Electronic System Design

Electrical | Mechanical

Portfolio Website & Raspberry Pi Web Server


Synchrotron Research: Effects of Forest Fire on Sulphur Soil Chemistry


Synchrotron Research: Chromium and Arsenic in the Oil Industry


CERN Beamline for Schools | Team Investigate Tachyons


FIRST Robotics | Team 4334


Arduino VU Meter


ROS Spiral Search Alogirthm


3D Printer Modifications



Contact Me

My Location

Calgary | Waterloo

Social Profiles




+1 403 919 8724


Mountains I have summited


Summit push above the Columbia Icefield

Vice President

Descent from the winter summit of the Vice President

Wapta Icefield

New Years Eve skiing on the Wapta Icefield

Jumbo Mountain

Taking in the summit views

Mt. Willingdon

My friend starting the long and exposed summit ridge

Mt. Olive

Looking towards Mt. Balfour, plotting the next excursion

Pika Peak

Feeling energized on the summit of Pika Peak

Cyclone Mountain

Three mountains that day, a adventurous ridge ahead

My Articles